Hello everyone,
This is my detailed review about this earning opportunity in the internet called Clixsense (Not Clicksense). I will going to put my full honesty here without any misleads, fillers, flowery words and so on. This will be a straight and factual review. Expect some negatives here.
This is a full review, Click here to view the website.
First of all, what is Clixsense?
Clixsense is one of those Paid-to-click (PTC) websites where you can earn money by clicking on ads and will earn more by referring someone. Mostly of the PTC websites will make you earn more by referrals’ credited ads click.
In general, PTCs serve as a middleman between advertisers and online money seekers. They compensate members to view client’s advertisements and in order to stay in competition websites in the industry varies their earning scheme. To be honest, more than 90% of websites in this industry are scam. Maybe due to availability of PTC hosting platforms.
Now, is Clixsense scam?
Actually, Clixsense Inc. is one of those PTC sites who started this trend. Clixsense was born on 2007 and outlasted the competition (Mostly of pioneers were already closed) and until now, for me, remained the number 1. Still paying, innovating their system for members and clients and definitely not a scam.
Here are some of my Clixsense Payment Proofs:

Obviously, without further explanation, Clixsense is not a scam and based on my observations the possibilities of becoming scam is quite low.
Let me tell you a story…. I have this client who earns millions selling his own product and on our conversation he talked about Clixsense and how does this website helped him in promoting his stuff, that time, he didn’t know that I’m a member of this site. He also said that he will never stop from availing advertising clicks in this website. So, I can say, Clixsense is close to not running out of clients.
The simple systems of earning through this website differ from others. They make sure that it will be a win-win situation for them, members and clients. Specially to the members, they are very gallant.
Staying for that long in a tight industry is just a sign that a company or a website is stable.