1. An amazing natural occurrence in the Indonesian state.
an outgoing fire from the bowels of the earth is a natural geological phenomenon, namely the release of within gas from the ground that ignited the fire.
The fire was always lit every day even though it rained down, the local community was later call as the eternal flame of fire.

In fact the magic of this eternal flame torch proved useful as a source during Vesak celebrations every year, in addition to the eternal flame torch is also used as a source of national sporting event, among others GANEFO (1963), PWI POR (1983), PON and Haornas.
2. Road mystical in Indonesia
Road Munjul, arrowroot, West Java is considered as road mysterious, number of casualties in this region make people believe that there are supernatural forces in the Munjul road, an old electrical substation increasingly making local residents haunted by a mystical feeling.
According to local residents average,
inside one week road Munjul scowled three successive lives, in team two world try to ensure Munjul road.

By asking one of the people to feel the energy in road Munjul, and according to the cleric Aar Mubarok feels there are two paths in his mind.